Wednesday, May 25, 2016

When It's All Said and Done

The first year of college life is officially over. I am saddened beyond words.I miss my never changing schedule, my hysterical coworkers, and long face-to-face talks with my best friends. As I look back over this semester I see a lot of laughs, a lot of work, and just a pinch of drama.
I see the Four Year Old Junior Church squirming in their seats, laughing at the teacher's jokes, whispering and giggling, and threatening to blow up the local Popsicle stand.
I see mountains of books and class notes filled with doodles and teacher's quotes.
I see the Cafeteria, sometimes overflowing, sometimes empty. I see a kitchen, bustling with people in black, Eskimo men coming out of the freezer, and random objects flying through the air.
I see an awkward family sitting outside; moms, dads, grandparents, uncles, aunts, and siblings. All talking at once in various languages and accents; all fluent in sarcasm.
A twin, who knows something is wrong with you, and feels the pain himself. He then takes on the responsibility to make you laugh so hard you cry.
A best friend who is always looking out for you, even when you are not there to defend yourself from the curios noses of bored college students. She never gets tired of your ranting and random Russian, nor is she disturbed by you senseless spouting of useless facts.
I see my Bible. At the beginning of the year it was new. Now it is slightly worn and filled with a pile of notes. I would like to share some of these with you...
"Keep your eyes off the lions, and keep them on the Light!"
"Elijah asked for death and never died"
"Heroes are faithful to the work of God in the midst of opposition."
"Calm seas make sorry sailors"
"I want to make more than a dint in this world for my Savior"
"We have access to the throne room of God, but many of us spend all our time pouting in the hallway."
#teaching goals - Acts 20:20
"Consider yourself Called - 1 Corinthians 1"
"Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me... 2 Timothy 4:17"
"Why have we tried to get right with God and stay right with God through good works?"
"We have received the message, next step, share it..."
"Be a carnivorous Christian 1 Cor. 2-3"
"We can have a joyful confidence in God. Romans 5"
"Don't begin, to quit"
"Abide in humility"
"Glorifying God- to put on display the characteristics and attributes of God"
"Love God out loud!"
"Don't get caught up in the fashion show"
"Have a beauty that doesn't wash off in the rain"

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