Recently for my Biblical Basis of Missions class we had to give a Textbook Analysis on "The Key to the Missionary Problem" by Andrew Murray. If you ever get the opportunity to read the book please do, Bro. Murray does a great job of showing the need for foreign missions. For this post I would like to give some of the highlights of my analysis...
"The Central idea about the volume is solving the missionary problem by first giving ourselves wholly to the service of God and following where He leads; whether that would be to go to the deepest jungles of Africa, or training, sending, and supporting those that have been called to go in our stead.
The five most important things that I have learned are that, first of all we as Christian have failed in recognizing the vastness of the missionary problem. We say to ourselves, 'Well, I gave to missions this month, I prayed for the missionary that was on the bulletin from church this week, and I even had the visiting missionary over to my house for supper! I am fulfilling the Great Commission!' "
(Is that all there is to missions?)
"Next, on page 73 this phrase jumped out at me, referring to Hudson Taylor, 'He would ask God to teach him at home how to walk in faith." So many missionaries never make it to the field, never make it through deputation, or never even surrender to the call to begin with because they do not know how to walk in faith...
...The chapter that is most significant for my life and ministry is chapter eight because it talks much of self-denial in the Christian life. On page 97 he quotes Hudson Taylor, 'If we are to simply pray as a pleasant and enjoyable exercise, and know nothing of watching in prayer, and weariness in prayer, we shall not draw down the available blessings. We shall not sustain our missionaries...we shall not even sufficiently sustain the spiritual life of our own souls.' I am a selfish person, and praying is very hard for the flesh. But the Lord has used this book to challenge me in that area; that I cannot expect to do great things for God without being willing to devote myself to the necessity of prayer....
...Many times we fail to see the children around us as the pastors, missionaries, and teachers of the future. But if we are to solve the missionary problem we must not neglect the next generation. I would recommend this book to anyone who is willing to listen to God's call for their lives because we are all missionaries, some of us are called to the four year olds Junior Church, while others are called to Sri Lanka. Either way, we are all called to ministry. This book really drives home the ever present need of fulfilling the Great Commission, especially with the examples of real people...It is a wonderful challenge to the believer."