Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Serving the Lord in OKC


I know that is not the most exciting news you have heard today, but bear with me, this might get good!

I just returned from Tuesday Night Visitation. We had a few open doors but no real opportunity to go through God's salvation plan with anyone. But we did leave a tract and most every home (even leaving one in the crack in the garage door because a giant bush blocked the door). But I am very thankful that we did get to speak to a few, hopefully we planted a seed in their heart.

Visitation, for me, is like a espresso shot in the head! When we got off the bus I was trembling from excitement. I prayed that the Lord would give me a passion and eagerness to tell people about their need and God's solution to that need, and He did!

I am ADDICTED to the ministries that I am privileged to be a part of.

Where is our passion? Where is our drive to see people come to Christ?
Sure, I have problems, but when I step onto that bus I leave my cares on campus and focus on the countless soul's who have never heard that they were a sinner and that their sin separates them from their Creator.

God please help us to serve You, and love people!